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Online Pharmacy

Questions You Should Feel Comfortable Asking Your Pharmacist

It’s always worth striking up a rapport with your local pharmacist, or even checking with an online pharmacist, as they can be more helpful than you might realise, especially with GP waiting times at their longest ever.


An excellent source of information about medication, both prescription and over-the-counter, pharmacists are trained to be able to answer many questions that you might have about your medication, and can often be consulted when your GP simply hasn’t got the time to see you.


Here are just a few examples of questions you should be able to comfortably ask a local, or online pharmacist:


Q: Is this medication safe to take along with my other prescribed medications?

It’s common for drugs to interact with each other, and with many patients taking multiple prescriptions, these interactions can be a real cause for concern. While many medications are safe when taken alone, the minute you pair them with another medication, they can cause serious side effects and knowing about these before you begin a new medication, is very important.


Q: What about supplements and over-the-counter medications?

Even some supplements and over-the-counter medications come with risks and interactions with other medications that can be just as serious. With this in mind, never be afraid to ask your pharmacist whether what you plan to take, is safe when taken in conjunction with something else.


Q: Should I make any changes to my diet while taking this medication?

There are some foods that can affect the absorption, metabolism and excretion of medications, so it’s important to check with an online pharmacist or at a chemist or private clinic, as to whether there are any food restrictions associated with the medication your GP has prescribed for you.


Q: Are there any common side effects to my medication?

The information sheet for your new medication may list a series of side effects, and while that doesn’t mean you’ll experience any of them, it can be helpful to know what to expect when you begin taking it. However, some side effects may not be listed, and a pharmacist is the ideal person to help guide you through any others that you may experience, and what to do about it if you do.


Q: What should I do if I miss a dose of my medication?

Most of us will have forgotten to take a prescribed pill at some point in our lives, and while it doesn’t often have serious consequences, it is important to know what you should do if you’ve accidentally skipped a dose. A pharmacist can tell you whether to double up on the dose, or wait until the next dose is due and continue as normal. In addition, should you have vomited shortly after taking medication, or if your child didn’t swallow the whole dose, for example, you’ll need to know what you should do, and a pharmacist will be able to tell you.


Pharmacists are highly trained but often underrated within our healthcare system, and if you have questions about a minor ailment or the medication your GP has prescribed for you, why not ask an online pharmacist or drop into a private clinic or chemist in your locality?

Online Pharmacy

What Health and Wellbeing Concerns Can a Pharmacist Help With?

As qualified healthcare professionals, pharmacists can actually provide us with advice, guidance and solutions to many more health and wellbeing problems than we may realise.


Along with answering questions about existing prescriptions and supplying us with over-the-counter medicines for a variety of minor ailments, there are a multitude of reasons for you to trust your local pharmacist, and in many instances, a multitude of reasons for visiting them instead of our local GP, as we so often automatically do.


Could your GP appointment be taken care of at a pharmacy?

Did you know that as many as 1 in 4 GP appointments in the UK today could be handled by a pharmacist at your local chemist? And even if you have symptoms of a more serious condition, a qualified pharmacist can advise you as to whether you should see a doctor, nurse or specialist. This advice can also be sought from private clinics, such as those that are often set up by online pharmacies to help people get diagnosed quickly and accurately.


What’s even better is that many pharmacies are open until much later in the evening than your local GPs surgery, and appointments aren’t needed, making them much more convenient for many of us.


What health and wellbeing concerns can a pharmacist at a private clinic prescribe you medicine for?

Qualified to recommend a range of over-the-counter and pharmacy-only medicines, pharmacists in private clinics can help us get treatment for the following health concerns, and more:

  • Coughs, colds and sore throats
  • Stomach problems
  • General aches and pains
  • Rashes
  • Eye infections
  • Hayfever
  • Cystitis
  • Head lice
  • Thrush
  • Bites and stings
  • Warts and verruca’s


You may even find that some private clinics offer minor ailments services, in which they can supply you with medication for certain condition on the NHS.


Can a pharmacist at a private clinic diagnose you?

While a further assessment from a GP or other health professional may be required, in many instances, pharmacists at private clinics are able to successfully diagnose patients with a variety of health conditions, and offer them over-the-counter pharmacy medicines where necessary.


Can a pharmacist give injections?

Many private clinics and pharmacies provide patients with a wide range of vaccination services, including travel and others. Many also offer flu vaccinations during the winter months.


What else can a pharmacist help you with?

You might be surprised to learn that a pharmacist at a private clinic has the qualifications and training to help you with other health related things, too, such as:


  • Advice for existing prescriptions

While not able to issue a prescription for you, they can manage repeat ones given by a GP and answer questions related to it. if you start taking a new medication for a conditions like asthma or diabetes, they can give you plenty of support.


  • Help with quitting smoking

A pharmacist at a private clinic can help you monitor your progress if you decide to try and stop smoking, and offer tips and motivational support.


  • Travel health advice

You can often discuss a variety of travel destinations with a pharmacist to ensure that you have the right vaccinations and take any other recommended precautions before travel.


  • Health and wellbeing advice

With the help of blood pressure checks and diabetes assessments for example, your local pharmacist can help support your health and wellbeing.


All in all, pharmacists can be immensely helpful in a variety of circumstances, and while they are no substitute for a GP when it comes to diagnosing and treating serious conditions, they can certainly be relied upon to give sound advice and guidance for a huge range of minor ailments.


Got a medical query but can’t get to your GP? Why not drop into a private clinic or local pharmacy instead?

Online Pharmacy

3 Benefits of Using an Online Pharmacy

If you live in a remote location without access to transport, or have a medical condition that makes leaving home hard, getting to the chemist to pick up a prescription might be difficult. Add to that self-isolations imposed during the pandemic, or long working hours, and prescriptions become virtually impossible to collect.


Fortunately, there is a solution.


Online pharmacies have sprung up in their hundreds throughout the UK in recent years, and getting your hands on your prescribed medicines has never been simpler. Yet to take advantage of an online pharmacy? Here are 3 reasons why you should:


  1. They are super convenient

There is nothing as convenient as online shopping, no matter what you’re buying, and online pharmacies make getting a prescription and purchasing medication, as easy as it can possibly be.


With a prescription from your doctor (or for minor ailments that can be diagnosed online), an online pharmacy can get you everything you need to stay fit and well. Visiting the chemist is all well and good for those who can, but for those who can’t (or who choose not to), online pharmacies are the ideal solution.


  1. They’re available whenever you need them

Bricks and mortar chemists have limited opening hours – and even more so in rural areas – making getting to them when you need them difficult for those who work long hours, or even for those with a simple 9 to 5. Online pharmacies, on the other hand, have no closing hours! This means that whatever the time of day or night, you can get the medication, supplements or guidance you need, whenever you need it.


  1. They afford you privacy

Many of us are reticent to openly discuss issues surrounding our physical or mental health, especially when it comes to ailments and problems of a sensitive or personal nature. For these people, visits to the pharmacy are less than appealing, and in some instances, they would rather not seek help for their problem, choosing instead, to suffer in silence. This isn’t good for anyone.


Online pharmacies, however, give people a chance to seek the help they need for a variety of embarrassing or awkward conditions and ailments, without the need to discuss it in front of others. No one else need know what’s going on in your personal life, and you get to solve your problem – it’s a clear win-win!


More online pharmacies has meant stricter regulations and checks, so by ordering your medication online with a reputable company, you can get the help you need without any of the fuss of trips to the chemist, standing around in queues or whispering your problem to the pharmacist!

Blood tests

Why Are Blood Tests Important and What Can They Show Us?

Sometimes called a blood panel, a blood test is when a sample of blood is extracted from a patient to check for a variety of things, and some require a period of fasting several hours beforehand, while others do not.


Having your blood analyzed is vital for a number of reasons, and the most common of these can be found below:


Helping you decide upon an appropriate dietary regime

If you’re struggling to manage a health condition, or to lose weight, undergoing regular blood tests can help you (and your GP or dietician) determine an appropriate dietary regime for your health needs.


Finding out the root cause of an illness

Blood tests are essential for helping discover the root cause of a patient’s health problem, and medical experts will recommend that symptom specific blood tests be carried out.


Examining the function of your organs

It can be hard to know exactly what’s going on inside your body unless you have routine examinations of your vital organ parameters, and with an organ function test, your GP can check for altered levels that may indicate any one of a number of prevailing conditions.


Helping with weight issues

Excess weight or an inability to lose weight despite trying hard, can be indicative of an underlying problem, and this can be picked up on with a blood examination. From hormonal imbalances, to a build-up of toxins or hidden infections, a blood test will help a medical professional get you the help you need to better manage your weight and/or diagnose an underlying condition.


Checking your nutritional status

It’s not always easy to know if we’re getting the required number of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that our bodies need, but regular blood testing can check for deficiencies, some of which may indicate serious conditions such as neurological disorders, muscle impairment, diseases of the bone and joint, and metabolic disorders.


Regulating hormonal imbalances

Having an often devastating impact on both your mood and your health, hormonal imbalances can cause all manner of problems if not properly diagnosed through a blood test.


Diagnosing food allergies

If left undiagnosed, a food allergy has the power to make your life a misery, but with a blood test, your immune systems response to particular foods can be measured, enabling the patient to then make dietary changes as advised.


Diagnosing autoimmune disease

One of the most common blood tests for detecting autoimmune disorders is ANA (antinuclear antibodies), and specific tests are available for testing probable antibodies attacking your internal organs.


Assessing your general state of health

Having a blood test carried out regularly at a private clinic by a pharmacist or at your GPs surgery by a registered nurse, can play an important role in helping you maintain your overall health and fitness, in much the same way as diet and exercise can.


For a long and healthy life, be sure to talk to your GP about regular blood tests, which in many instances, can be carried out by a pharmacist at a private clinic.


7 Reasons to Prioritize Your Sexual Health

Did you know that the ability to embrace and enjoy our sexuality throughout our lives, forms an integral part of how healthy we are both physically and emotionally?


With this in mind, it’s important to keep yourself sexually healthy by practising safe sex and getting tested for STIs as and when necessary (in some cases, this can be carried out at a private clinic), and when having regular, consensual sex in a loving relationship, you can expect to enjoy a range of benefits not just for your sexual health, but for your overall health, too.


Here are 7 reasons to prioritize your sexual health and help keep yourself in tip top condition:


  1. For a more robust immune system

Those who take part in regular sexual activities are known to produce not just more antibodies, but stronger ones. Playing an essential role in helping our bodies defend against disease and infection, the importance of antibodies should never be underestimated, nor should the importance of regular, safe and consensual sex!


  1. To lower blood pressure

Having a direct and positive effect on a person’s blood pressure by helping to lower it, the powerful hormone Oxytocin is released during an orgasm.


  1. For burning calories

For many, sex is a calorie burning, high energy workout, and as such, can help burn a significant number of calories if performed rigorously enough! Some studies have even shown that a 24 minute romp in the hay can burn as many calories as a 30 minute session on the treadmill – what would you rather do to keep fit?!


  1. To lower the risk of heart attack

Recent studies in the U.S. have shown that men who had sex at least twice a week were less likely to develop heart disease when compared to men who only had sex once a month. And with heart disease such a big killer, having sex twice a week in exchange for a healthier heart, seems no great hardship!


  1. To strengthen a woman’s pelvic floor

For many women, their pelvic muscles weaken with age and after childbirth, but regular sexual activity can help to strengthen their pelvic floor and reduce the chance of them experiencing a vaginal prolapse or pain during sex.


  1. Reducing the risk of prostate cancer

Studies have also shown that for men who have sex at least 21 times a month, they are less likely to get prostate cancer. They may, however, be somewhat exhausted!


  1. Helping to improve sleep patterns

Long having been shown to release beneficial hormones such as oxytocin and endorphins, when a person experiences an orgasm, the combination of the two hormones creates a relaxing effect that often induces a period of restful sleep.


There are many reasons to prioritize your sexual health, but please make sure that while reaping the many physical rewards of having regular sex, that you respect your body and get yourself tested regularly at a private clinic or your local GPs surgery, if you have multiple partners or have ever had non-protected sex.

Online Medicine

5 Delicious Benefits of Eating Dark Chocolate This Halloween!

With Halloween looming on the horizon, you might be trying to find alternatives to high sugar sweets and chocolate treats, either for handing out to trick or treaters, or to indulge in yourself. With more and more of us being conscious of our health and weight, could dark chocolate give us the fix that we often crave without rotting our teeth and making us pile on the pounds?


Dark chocolate and its delicious health benefits

Studies are increasingly showing that dark chocolate and its main ingredient, cocoa, can reduce the risk of heart disease, thanks to the flavanols contained within it. Flavanols have anti-oxidant effects that can decrease cell damage linked to heart disease, and are also proven to help lower blood pressure and improve heart function.


Dark chocolate should contain at least 65% cocoa, and its wise to limit yourself to around 85 grams a day. Here are 5 other benefits of eating dark chocolate, just in time for Halloween:


  1. It can help your brain function better

Increasing blood flow to the brain and heart, dark chocolate can improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of a stroke. Containing several chemical compounds that have been proven to have a positive effect on your mood and cognitive health, dark chocolate also contains phenylethylamine, or PEA, which is the very same chemical created by your brain when you fall in love.


  1. It can help control blood sugar levels

By keeping your blood vessels and circulation healthy, dark chocolate can protect you against Type 2 diabetes. The flavonoids found in dark chocolate can also help to reduce insulin resistance by aiding cells in their normal function, and enabling you to regain the ability to use the insulin your body produces, efficiently.


With a low glycaemic index, dark chocolate won’t cause a big spike in blood sugar levels, either.


  1. It is chock full of antioxidants

Helping to free your body of free radicals that cause oxidative damage to cells, dark chocolate is full of antioxidants. Often responsible for several aspects of the aging process and with possible cancer-causing qualities, free radicals are not good news for the body, but by consuming antioxidant rich foods such as dark chocolate, you can protect yourself from cancer and slow down the onset of aging.


  1. It contains Theobromine

Proven to harden tooth enamel, Theobromine is found in dark chocolate, and when consumed, is far more likely to help prevent cavities than it is to cause them. Also a mild stimulant, Theobromine can help to suppress a cough.


  1. It’s high in vitamins and minerals

With a number of vitamins and minerals contained within its deliciously dark exterior, dark chocolate can help support your health in a number of ways. Here are just some of the vitamins and minerals that can be found in high concentrations in dark chocolate:

  • Potassium
  • Copper
  • Magnesium
  • Iron


Both copper and potassium can help prevent strokes and cardiovascular ailments, while iron protects against iron deficiency anaemia, and magnesium helps prevent type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.


Feeling like a delicious, healthy treat this Halloween? Now that you know the many health benefits of consuming regulated amounts of dark chocolate, it’s time to grab yourself a bar and take yourself to a guilt-free chocolate heaven!

Online Pharmacy

7 Incredible Health Benefits of Manuka Honey

Have you heard the buzz about Manuka honey – pun absolutely intended!

In recent decades, Manuka honey has gained a growing following, with people loving its rich, earthy flavour and enjoying its many health benefits, too. Native to New Zealand, Manuka honey has strong antiseptic, antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties; it’s little wonder it’s so popular.


If you haven’t tried Manuka honey yet, here are 7 incredible ways in which it can benefit your health:


  1. Promoting healing of wounds

Manuka has been approved for clinical use in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, the USA, Canada and Hong Kong, and is definitely no longer seen as an alternative medicine. Working very quickly due to its high sugar levels that act to draw fluid from a wound, Manuka honey also helps to remove diseased matter, dirt and debris, making it very advantageous when used in the dressing of wounds. Not only that, but it also has anti-inflammatory properties which can help to reduce the swelling of tissue.


  1. Treating burns

Being antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, Manuka honey can be used to successfully treat burns, creating a physical barrier and a moist environment. When it comes to healing burns, this is especially helpful, as they tend to heal faster if kept moist. The use of honey when treating a burn also means that the bandages are less likely to stick to the wound and cause additional pain and discomfort for the patient.


  1. Healing skin infections

Manuka honey’s antifungal properties mean that it can be used as an effective treatment for such fungal diseases as ringworm and tinea infections, and it can also be used to help treat skin disorders like dermatitis, which are renowned for their stubbornness.


  1. Treating acid reflux, heartburn and GERD

Research has recently shown that Manuka honey can be used to effectively treat a variety of stomach conditions, such as oesophagitis, heartburn, GERD and acid reflux. With its natural viscosity, it can remain for longer in the oesophagus and act as a protective, anti-inflammatory layer.


  1. Treating stomach ulcers

Containing flavonoids that produce antioxidant effects, honey can be used to treat peptic ulcers by preventing the formation of gastric ulcers. There are many health benefits contained within flavonoids, and Manuka honey is overflowing with them.


  1. Soothing sore throats and coughs

Honey has long been used to treat coughs and sore throats, and with the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties contained within it that reduce swelling and kills germs, it’s easy to see why this home remedy has endured.


  1. Treating acne

Manuka honey is now being widely used in face masks and acne treatments, as a result of its incredible antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.


While Manuka honey isn’t as affordable as other types of honey, it can prove to be less expensive than prescription medicines in the long run (think of the multiple uses you’ll get from a jar of honey, and the speed at which it can heal you, preventing the need for a further course of treatment), and if you could heal yourself naturally, why wouldn’t you?

Travel Vaccine

Are There Some Travel Vaccines You Can Skip?

While many of us find the prospect of getting vaccinated bothersome, and in some instances, costly, there are some countries that absolutely require you to get the necessary shots before you’re even allowed to enter them, and several others in which a few recommended vaccines could be the difference between an incredible holiday, and a trip spent fighting for your life in hospital.


Ultimately, if the WHO and other respected organizations and governments are recommending that you get vaccinated before travelling to your chosen destination, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense not to.


Always get essential vaccinations

Wherever you plan to travel to in the world, you should always ensure that you’re up-to-date with routine vaccinations such as tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella and annual flu shots. Don’t feel as if these are necessary? You might want to think again. Anti-vaccine movements across Europe have discouraged many parents from having their children inoculated against measles, causing the viral disease to spread uncontrolled. While this highly contagious disease rarely kills, it can certainly make your trip unpleasant, and memorable for all the wrong reasons.


Check whether your travel destination poses health risks

Before even contemplating visiting a particular country, you should visit a user-friendly online source of information, such as the Centers for Disease Control, or CDC. This will have a country-by-country index explaining in detail the recommended vaccinations for each destination.


South Africa, for example, typically requires typhoid, rabies and hepatitis A shots, while for travel to Kenya, a yellow fever vaccine might be recommended. You may even find that some less-developed countries in sub-Saharan Africa will not allow entry to any visitors who cannot provide proof of a yellow fever inoculation. While malaria has no vaccine, it is widespread in many areas of Africa and other countries of the world, and visitors to such regions may want to consider asking a medical practitioner for an antimalarial prescription before travel.


For travel to developing regions, speak to an advisor in a travel clinic

The cost of travel vaccinations is always a consideration, and while those that are mandatory for entry to a country, or strongly recommended should be paid for without hesitation, there are some recommended vaccines for developed countries that you may contemplate skipping to keep costs down.


Try visiting a travel clinic at least 4 weeks before you plan to travel to a developed region, and talking to the experts there about what vaccines or prescriptions you should ensure that you have, and which ones may be foregone depending on the activities you plan to do while travelling. For example, if you’re visiting a country that has incidences of malaria, but only in certain regions that you don’t plan to visit (such as mountainous areas popular with hikers), you may be able to skip an antimalarial prescription.


There may also be some countries that require several vaccines, and these may cost in excess of £250. So, if you’re on a tight budget, you might want to reconsider your chosen destination and travel to a country with less requirements, or forego those nights in a luxury hotel!


The upshot is that recommended vaccinations for certain destinations should always be gotten before you travel, and if you don’t get them, you risk ruining what should have been a memorable trip.

Always seek advice from a certified medical professional before travelling overseas, and be prepared to accept the consequences should you choose to forego any recommended vaccines.

Online Chemist

Do Home Remedies for Coughs and Colds Really Work?

With the days getting noticeably shorter and temperatures falling, many of us living in the UK are beginning to suffer with symptoms of coughs, colds, sniffles or even the flu. While colds are inconvenient and can make you feel utterly miserable, they are rarely dangerous for those without underlying health concerns, and can often be treated with over the counter, or homemade remedies.


Below are some of the most commonly used home remedies for coughs and colds in the UK, along with their effectiveness.



Believed to boost the immune system by increasing white blood cells which fight infections and reduces many cold symptoms, this herbal remedy has been used for centuries. Its effectiveness is unverified, however.


Honey and lemon

Honey and lemon stirred into a glass of hot water to soothe a sore throat helps to keep you hydrated, while also giving you a boost of vitamin C and energy. There may also be antibacterial properties in the honey, and the steam from the hot beverage can help to reduce congestion.



Used for medicinal purposes throughout the centuries, ginger is believed to soothe a range of ailments due to its active compounds, which include gingerols and shogaols. With research having shown these compounds to have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, they may help to reduce symptoms of a cold such as a sore throat.



With antimicrobial and antiviral properties that may help the immune system fight viral infections and relieve the common cold, garlic may relieve cold symptoms, but the evidence isn’t really there to back the theory.



An essential mineral that the body doesn’t make on its own, some say that taking zinc within 24 hours of the onset of a cold, can limit its duration and severity, and there is some evidence to prove this. For those with a balanced diet, however, additional zinc shouldn’t be required, and in fact, too much can be harmful.



Found in many over-the-counter-medicines, menthol is an essential oil derived from mint plants. While some people find that it can ease congestion, there is little evidence to prove that it actually helps.


Vitamin D

Vitamin has been proven to help prevent colds, and while we can get vitamin D from certain foods and from skin exposure to sunlight, levels in most foods are low and the sun isn’t strong enough during the winter months. So, taking a vitamin D supplement during autumn and winter may help with a cold as a good immune system support.



During periods of illness, probiotics can help to keep your gut healthy, and as your immune system is linked to your gut, a healthy gut will usually mean a healthier immune system. They can be found in yoghurt and other fermented foods, or taken as a probiotic supplement.


Fortunately, the rise in online pharmacies has meant that those stuck at home in isolation due to a common cold or bout of the flu, can easily get the over-the-counter remedies that they need. With the evidence showing that at least some of those remedies mentioned above can help prevent a cold or lessen symptoms, keeping yourself healthier during flu season, has never been easier.

Online Pharmacy UK

Could Online Pharmacies Be the Future for UK Patients?

Transformed in part by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, pharmacists are more often than not, the first port of call now for patients with minor illnesses seeking help, advice and support. With online pharmacies able to dispense drugs more freely (but in a regulated manner, naturally), and GPs inundated with requests for appointments that they simply can’t cope with, it’s little surprise that this combination has become a winning one.


What impact has the digital age had on pharmacies?

But it isn’t just COVID-19 that has impacted the way we seek medical advice and treatment, the internet has transformed it, too. In much the same way as the digital age has changed the way we shop for items such as groceries and clothing, it’s had a noticeable impact on pharmacies, too. Millions of people in the UK now purchase medicines and over-the-counter remedies online, and seek guidance and support from health professionals over the internet.


The internet has disrupted the usual chain of events that would happen when a patient sought medical help in the UK: a GP consultation would take place, followed by the writing of a prescription, the handing over of the prescription to the pharmacist, and finally the supplying of the prescribed drugs to the patient. Nowadays, however, online pharmacies are giving patients more choice and control over how they manage their health and wellbeing.


How did online pharmacies become so popular?

Around for roughly 20 years, it’s only in recent years that online pharmacies have really begun to make an impact on communities, with studies having shown that as many as 25% of UK residents have used, or are likely to use, an online pharmacy. While the major high street pharmacies have strong online presences now, too, there are other, equally reputable companies that also operate only online and are extremely popular.


Due in part to an ageing population and more people living with long-term conditions, online pharmacies have experienced an upsurge in demand of late, and are even teaching the NHS a thing or two!


The NHS and online pharmacies

A trend reflected in the UK, a reported 4 out of 5 US citizens go online to check their symptoms before choosing to visit a medical practitioner, and while many doctors don’t advise symptom checking online, the NHS is actively encouraging patients to schedule online consultations or book appointments online.


Electronic prescriptions can also be sent from GP surgeries to pharmacies using the NHS Electronic Prescription Service, and is fast replacing traditional paper prescriptions. Not only does this save the NHS money, but it’s also changing the way patients think about their prescriptions.


Online pharmacies help those who are housebound to purchase over-the-counter remedies for a variety of conditions, along with helping them gain access to other products and services typically sold in a bricks and mortar pharmacy, too. But it isn’t just those who are housebound benefitting from online pharmacies, in fact, they can be used by anyone who hasn’t got the time to visit their local pharmacy in person, and with a wide range of products sold, why not get your cold treatment delivered in the same way as your clothes and groceries?

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