Norethisterone is a synthetic hormone which mimics the effect of the body’s naturally occurring hormone progesterone. It can have multiple uses such as treating breast cancer or endometriosis. However, it is often used as a tablet to delay periods. Norethisterone comes as a 5mg tablet and can be taken to delay periods for up to 17 days.
Norethisterone is NOT a method of contraception. It is therefore important that you should continue to use contraceptive methods if you do not want to become pregnant. Norethisterone should also not be taken if you are already taking the combined contraceptive pill. You can, however, take it while taking the mini pill.
Norethisterone is not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women.
Taking Norethisterone for Period Delay
If you are taking it to delay your period, there are a few things you should know. Firstly, it’s important that you can predict when your period is due. You should start taking it three days before you expect your period to start. One 5mg tablet is taken THREE times a day.
When you want your period to start, simply stop taking the medication. After stopping, your period should start 2-3 days later. You can take Norethisterone for up to 20 days in total, meaning that you can delay your period for around 17 days.
If you are already taking a combined contraceptive pill such as Microgynon, you can delay your period without the need for Norethisterone or Utovlan.
You will need to have taken the pill for at least a whole month prior to your current menstrual cycle. To delay your period, simply take two months of your combined pill back to back, without having a 7 day pill-free break, or using your inactive pills.
NOTE: This method does not work with other hormonal contraceptives like the ‘mini-pill’ (progestogen only pills), such as Cerazette.