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Sumatriptan Tablets (50mg-100mg)

50mg, 100mg | 6, 12, 18, 24


Sumatriptan tablet is used to treat migraine attacks with or without aura (aura is a premonition usually
connected with flashes of light, serrated images, stars or waves).

Information Leaflet
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Type of medicine 5HT1-receptor agonist (also known as a ‘triptan’)
Used for Treatment of acute migraine attacks and cluster headaches
Also called Imigran®; Migraitan®
Available as Tablets, dispersible tablets, nasal spray and injection

In people with migraine, it is thought that some chemicals in the brain increase in activity and as a result parts of the brain then send out confused signals which result in the symptoms of headache and sickness. Why people with migraine should develop these chemical changes is not clear. Many migraine attacks occur for no apparent reason, but for some people there may be things which trigger an attack, like certain foods or drinks.

Cluster headaches consist of attacks of severe one-sided pain in the head. Typically, a number of attacks will occur over several weeks and then pass. It may then be weeks, months or years until the next cluster of headaches develops.

Sumatriptan belongs to a class of medicines known as 5HT1-receptor agonists. They are also known simply as triptans. Triptans work by stimulating the receptors of a natural substance in the brain, called serotonin (or 5HT). This eases the symptoms of migraine and cluster headaches.


Additional information


50mg, 100mg

Pack Size

6, 12, 18, 24

Uses / Instructions

Take one (50 mg or 100 mg) tablet with a drink of water, as soon as the headache phase develops.

If your migraine at first improves but then comes back, you may take a further dose, providing it is at least two hours after the initial dose.

If the first tablet has no effect, do not try a second dose for the same attack, as it is unlikely to work.


If you have symptoms indicating cardiac disease, such as chest pain or a feeling of pressure in the chest area which may be radiating to your neck.

• If you are taking anti-depressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) or SNRIs (Serotonin Noradrenaline Reuptake Inhibitors).
• If you have an intolerance to some sugars.
• If you have reduced liver or kidney function.
• If you have a history of fits (seizures). Or if you have other conditions which might make it more likely that you’ll have a fit – for example, a head injury or alcoholism.
• If you are allergic to sulfonamide. If so, you may also be allergic to sumatriptan. If you know you are allergic to an antibiotic but you are not sure whether it is a sulphonamide, tell your doctor or pharmacist before using this medicine.
• If you are a heavy smokers or are using nicotine replacement therapy and especially
– If you are a man aged over 40, or
– If you are a woman who has been through the menopause

In very rare cases the patients have developed serious cardiac disease after taking sumatriptan even though they have no sign of cardiac disease before. Tell your doctor so that your heart function can be checked before sumatriptan is prescribed for you.
If you feel pain or tightness in your chest after you use sumatriptan. These effects may be intense but they usually pass quickly. If they don’t pass quickly, or they become severe, get medical help immediately.

See the patient information leaflet you receive with your medicine for more information.

Side Effects

Common (may affect up to 1 in 10 people):

− Drowsiness, dizziness, sensory disturbances
− Difficulty in breathing
− Muscle pain
− Temporary increase in blood pressure (arising soon after treatment), flushing
− Feeling of weakness, tiredness
− Feeling sick (nausea) or being sick (vomiting)
− Pain, sensation of heat or cold, pressure, tightness or heaviness. These symptoms are generally

See the patient information leaflet you receive with your medicine for more information.


The active ingredient is Sumatriptan

Please see the patient information leaflet you receive with your medicine for more information as different brands may use different other ingredients.


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