ClearZal Nail & Foot Kit – consists of three products, the antimicrobial nail solution, a foot sanitizer, with a complimentary premium nail file to complete the pack. Whilst the solution is designed to kill ALL fungus, bacteria and viruses which may cause nail infections, the ClearZal Foot Sanitiser when sprayed on the feet and in the shoe will prevent the spread of infection to the rest of the feet and nails which could potentially cause athletes foot.
New approach for Healthy Nails and Feet. ClearZal® has combined ClearZal® Antimicrobial Nail Solution with ClearZal® Foot Sanitiser for a combined therapy for Healthy Nails. Apply the Nail Solution to the nails and sanitize the Foot And Shoe to reduce the potential of cross contamination.
ClearZal® BAC is a topical solution for infected areas with the healing and conditioning of Aloe, working on the entire infection of the nail that is combined with the ClearZal® Foot Sanitiser to create a One, Two bunch for Healthy Nails. Other products only treat the fungus. ClearZal® BAC has the strength and safety of a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent, killing more microbes than an antifungal alone.
Studies show that by first debriding/filing the free edge of the target nail with the nail file provided and using ClearZal® BAC twice daily morning and night, will achieve optimal results.
Can be used with nail polish / varnish, artificial nails and nail extensions
More effective than an antifungal product alone as 50% of all nail infections are caused by bacteria. The secret is the broad spectrum active with a surfactant delivery system to reach the site of infection.
More effective than an antifungal product alone as 50% of all nail infections are caused by bacteria.