The United States of Leland isn’t a whodunit. The opening scenes of Matthew Ryan Hoge’s unusual murder mystery make it clear that Leland P. Fitzgerald (“The Believer”‘s Ryan Gosling) is the killer. But why did he kill? Now that the deed is done, Leland is staying in a detention center. Everybody, but especially new teacher Pearl Madison (Don Cheadle), wants to know why he killed the mentally challenged brother of girlfriend Becky (Jena Malone). After all, Leland seemed to genuinely like the kid. Leland is just as confused (and can’t remember committing the act), but he reveals more and more clues as he gradually opens up to Pearl. His estranged novelist father Albert (Kevin Spacey), meanwhile, just wants to spin another bestseller out of his son’s story. Writer-director Hoge doesn’t provide any easy answers in this compelling, complicated look at teenage depression. Featuring music by the Fire Theft’s Jeremy Enigk. “–Kathleen C. Fennessy”