Piel de Sapo melons are a medium to large varietal, averaging 20 to 30 centimeters in length, and have an oval to oblong shape with a broad, curved center, tapering toward bluntly pointed ends. The melon?s rind is thick, ranging from 0.6 to 0.8 centimeters, and has a hard, wrinkled, waxy, corrugated, and rough exterior covered in textured, furrowed ridges. When the melons are young, the rind features variegated pale, olive, to dark green striping, sometimes flushed with yellow accents, and as the fruit ripens, the surface transforms into a bright yellow hue. The rind is also occasionally marked with sugar scars, which appear as tan to beige cracks, indicating that the fruit has a high sugar content. Underneath the surface, the flesh ranges in color from white, yellow, to pale green and is smooth, aqueous, semi-firm, and tender with a succulent consistency. There is also a central cavity filled with many flat and oval seeds encased in stringy, moist golden fibers. Piel de Sapo melons will not emit a strong aroma when whole due to their thick rind, but once sliced, the flesh?s sweet, fragrant scent will permeate the room. Select melons that feel heavy for their size, weighing between 1.8 to 4 kilograms, and bear a bright yellow-green hue. The blossom end will also yield slightly under pressure. Piel de Sapo melons have a mild, refreshing, and sweet, honeyed flavor with subtly earthy, pear, and honeydew nuances.