Medium Fajita Seasoning Mix
The fajita is a classic of Northern Mexican border cooking often referred to as Tex-Mex. Strips of beef, chicken or pork are cooked with flavoursome spices, sliced bell peppers and onions, often served sizzling hot on a cast iron platter. Our seasoning mix with chilli pepper, cumin, paprika and oregano is perfect for making delicious, medium spice, chicken fajitas at home.
Uses / Instructions
Package Type
Store in a cool dry place. After opening reseal and use within 14 days.
To cook Chicken Fajitas for 4, simply...
1 Heat 1 tbsp of cooking oil in a large frying pan.
2 Cut 500g chicken breast fillet into thin strips and fry over a high heat until well browned.
3 Cut 1 pepper and 1 onion into thin strips, add to the pan and fry until slightly coloured.
4 Reduce the heat, add sachet contents, stir to coat chicken & vegetables, fry until cooked.
Served wrapped in warm tortillas, with toppings and sides to taste.
See packaging/patient information leaflet for details.
Side Effects
See packaging/patient information leaflet for details.
Chilli Pepper (28%), Spices and Herbs (Cumin, Paprika, Oregano, Coriander Leaf, Cinnamon), Salt, Onion, Garlic, Sugar, Lime Juice Powder, Lemon Juice Powder, Anti-Caking Agent (Silicon Dioxide), Natural Flavouring