Spend less time cooking and more time chasing your dreams with Pot Noodle Thai Green Curry – from the nation’s fastest selling snack pot brand
Our Thai Green Curry noodle pots have the chilli pepper hit you expect balanced by a cooling lime and coconut flavour
We’ve been helping the nation grab life by the noodle and save time by cooking less for over 40 years
Looking for a way to get Thaied up in the kitchen, without, you know, getting tied down for too long? Pot Noodle Thai Green Curry from the nation’s fastest selling snack pot brand has got you covered with tasty, time-saving noodles. No need to be a master chef to get some tasty grub in you in just 4 minutes. First, rip off the lid. Whip out the sachet. Add boiling water to fill level. Leave alone for 2 minutes. Next, stir the noodles. Then leave alone for another 2 minutes. Third, stir again! Then find the sachet, add the contents of it for that extra flavour. Lastly, grab a fork and dive in. Be sure to seize your opportunity and strike while the pot’s hot! Do not reheat. These are the instant noodles that let you grab life by the noodle – cook less and live more. We’ve been helping the nation save time by cooking less for over 40 years during which time we’ve become the Noodle of all other noodles’ envy. Both cleverly convenient and deviously delicious, each of our flavours offers a different way to enjoy the spoils of spending less time in the kitchen and more time doing whatever it is that makes you happy? however unexpected it may be.
Just add boiling water and give it a stir, and your Pot Noodle is ready to eat in just 4 minutes, These curry noodles have none of that artificial colour or preservative stuff, Pot Noodle Thai Green Curry is suitable for vegetarians and vegans, Suitable for Vegetarians, European Vegetarian Union