These Extra Large Cash In Money Tins by Rysons are a fantastic item to help encourage you to save large amounts of coins, banknotes and more! Made from quality durable metal material this money tin will last a long time and be protected from damage! The slot on top makes depositing money easy & the secure lid keeps money safe. Plus, the no-fuss removable lid is great for when you want to dip into your savings!
These tins are ideal for use at home, at work, at fundraisers, festivals, retail stores and many other events and places! The tins come in assorted, fun designs that will make saving that much easier! Featuring 5 different designs there?s:
?Quit Smoking Live Healthy?
?Save Up To ?500?
?Saving And Supporting My Favorite Charity Fund?
?Tips Welcome Thank You?
?Driving Lessons & Test Fund?