Avocado is a bright green colored fruit with a large pit inside and a dark skin with leathery texture. It is a great ingredient in salads, brownies, smoothies and goes very well with guacamole dips. It is rich in Vitamin C, E and K as well as folate, naicine, panthothenic acid, omega-3 fatty acides to name a few. How we Quality Check? – We ensure avocados are not underweight – Verified shape, size, and color specs Nutrition: – Rich in Vitamin B6: 40% of DV – Rich in Vitamin K: 36% of DV – Rich in FIbre: 23% of DV Health Benefits: – Avocado consumption has been linked to weight loss in certain studies, possibly due to the fruit’s high fiber & healthy fat content, as well as its low glycemic index – Avocados include monounsaturated fats like oleic acid, which are beneficial for your heart & help fight inflammation How can you enjoy your Avocado? – Enjoy avocado with salt, pepper, and extra virgin olive oil – Mash with tomatoes, onions, and lemon juice to make guacamole – Place the avocado on a warm slice of buttered toast along with chili flakes & black sesame seeds